Dr. Ingrid Faro teaches Biblical Hebrew and Old Testament in the Seminary.
She has been teaching Biblical Hebrew, Exegesis, Pentateuch, Preaching from the Old Testament, and other Old Testament courses at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois for seven years. She also served as Field Education Coordinator for the Master’s Programs.
»My passion is to inspire life-changing love for the Lord of the Hebrew Scriptures and a practical understanding of the roots of Christianity«
Dr. Faro is actively involved in research and speaking on the problem of evil, along with personal and pastoral response to suffering. She is ordained through the Fellowship of Christian Assemblies. Previously, Ingrid worked with Theological and Cultural Thinkers through Navigators to develop educational and spiritual formation materials; worked as adjunct faculty in Biblical Hebrew at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois; served as Director of Women’s Ministries at Lakeland Evangelical Free Church in Illinois; and has been teaching in various fields since 1984. She also lived in Israel while conducting research for her prior M.S. in Nutrition, with numerous return visits.
Born in Stockholm, Sweden, Dr. Faro graduated with a Ph.D. in Old Testament and Semitic Languages, specializing in the Pentateuch, and a Master of Divinity, specializing in the biblical languages, from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, USA. She is member of several scholarly societies, including the Society of Biblical Literature, the Institute for Biblical Research, and the Evangelical Theological Society.
Dr. Faro is a prolific speaker, including more recently:
- Forthcoming 2014 (november), ”What Is Evil, and How it Works”, Panel Speaker on the Origins of Evil and Death, Evangelical Theological Society, San Francisco, CA
- 2014 (April 11-13), Retreat speaker on the Holy Spirit to college-age group, Lakeview Church, Northbrook, IL
- 2013-2014 (December, February), Preaching series on Genesis 1; Preaching series on Paul’s Prison Prayers, Korean English Ministry, Chicago Covenant Presbyterian Church, Glenview, IL
- 2013 (November 23), “Lexical Semantics of Evil (rā` ) in Genesis,” Society for Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD
- 2013 (November 22), “Contextual Semantics of Evil (rā`) in Genesis,” Emerging Scholarship, Institute for Biblical Research Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD
- 2013 (March 12), “Psalm 27: Hope,” Chapel Speaker, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL
- 2013 (23 februari), ”Identity as the Image of God: Dust and Divinity”, Identity: A Women’s Theological Conference, Trinity Society of Women, Trinity International University, Deerfield, USA
- 2012 (November 15), ““A Contextual Approach to the Lexical Semantic Use of “Evil” (רע) in Genesis,” Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI
- 2012 (May 12), “In Whose Image,” Women’s Ministry, Abundant Life Church, Round Lake, IL
- 2012 (May 6), “Deuteronomy 8: God Our Source,” Sermon, Abundant Life Church, Round Lake, IL
- 2012 (April 28), “Streams of Living Water: Living Life Fully.” Women’s Retreat, Christ Church Highland Park, Highland Park, IL
- 2012 (April 25), “Overcoming: My Story,” Trinity Society of Women, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL
- 2012 (April 20), “Contentment,” Undergraduate Women’s Ministry, Trinity International University, Deerfield, IL
- 2012 (February 5), “Genesis and the Plot Conflict of Good and Evil,” Sermon, Abundant Life Church, Round Lake, IL
- 2012 (February 11), “A Contextual Approach to the Lexical Semantic Use of “Evil” (רע) in Genesis,” Presenter, Midwest Society of Biblical Literature, Bourbonnais, IL
- 2011 (November 4-5), “Forgiveness,” Life Spring Community Church (EFCA), Spring Grove, IL
- 2011 (October 28), “Old Testament Foundations of Godly Leadership,” North Central District of EFCA Women’s Leadership Conference, Minneapolis, MN
Publications and Writing Projects include:
- Book Project: The Roots of Evil, based upon her dissertation completed August, 2013, “A Lexical, Exegetical, Conceptual, and Theological Study of Evil in Genesis.”
- Review: Filled with the Spirit, by John R. Levison, Trinity Journal, 34/2 (2013), 312-14.
- Review: Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis, by John C. Lennox. Trinity Journal 33/1 (2012): 103-5.
- Review: Thinking in Tongues: Pentecostal Contributions to Christian Philosophy, by James K. A. Smith, Trinity Journal 33/1 (2012): 154-6.
Dr. Ingrid Faro resides in Uppsala, Sweden. She is a widow with a wonderful married son and married “niece-daughter.” In her leisure time she loves being with family and friends, going on outdoor adventures, studying language, jogging, and growing flowers.
Ingrid Spellnes Faro
Instructor in: Biblical Hebrew and Old Testament
- Assistant Professor of Old Testament
- Ph.D. in Theological Studies, Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, U.S.A.
- Master of Divinity, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, U.S.A.
- Master of Associated Medical Sciences, College of Applied Health Sciences, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.