The Institute for Jewish Studies was founded in connection with the creation of the Scandinavian School of Theology Foundation on 5 September, 2014. During its first seven years, the principal activities of the Institute have been:
- Insofar as research has been concerned: mainly through Anders Gerdmar’s research into anti-Semitism (articles, participation in conferences at Yale and Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Theologie, “An End to Antisemitism!” in Vienna) as well as a major anthology submitted to the Boston publisher, Brill: Salvation is from the Jews: Biblical Interpretation of Jews and Judaism, from Intra-Jewish Conflict to Eliminationist Antisemitism;
- Anders Gerdmar’s lectures on anti-Semitism and the Holocaust; Roar Sörensen’s teaching about Israel at the Scandinavian School of Theology; in addition to:
- holding a seminar concerning the Palestinian priest Mitri Raheb’s replacement theology and the Kairos Document in collaboration with Annika Borg ThD, in Stockholm.
The purpose of the Institute is to:
- At the academic level, theologically, historically and politically study issues related to biblical and modern Israel and the Jewish people.
- To function as a knowledge centre for related issues
- To promote friendship and encounters especially between young Jews and Christians, and the Israel of our time
- To actively conduct research and public opinion work against anti-Semitism.
- To constitute a forum for dialogue between Jewish and Christian Bible interpreters with the aim of enriching the Christian tradition, for example through experimental Midrash conversations.
Scholars and Leadership
Director and founder: Professor, Anders Gerdmar ThD.
In addition to the Director, one part-time General Manager.
Subject areas and staff:
- The Old Testament, The Old Testament and Jewish background to the New Testament (Associate Professor Ingrid Faro, USA and Sweden, and Dr Göran Lennartsson)
- Ancient and Modern History of Israel and the Jews (Professor John Swails, Oral Roberts University, and Associate Professor Boris Havel (MA Hebrew University, PhD University of Croatia)
- Israel in the New Testament (Göran Lennartsson, Anders Gerdmar, Professor Brad H. Young, USA).
- Anti-Semitism (Anders Gerdmar, Associate Professor Boris Havel, University of Croatia)
- Islam, the Jews and Israel (Boris Havel)
- The relationship between evangelical Christianity and Israel, messianic Judaism: MA Roar Sørensen with a broad network.
- Zionism and its historical background: Professor Torbjörn Aronson, Scandinavian School of Theology ThD, PhD.
- Israel in the media, Israel today and its international relations. Dr Daniela Persin.
Research is already being conducted under the auspices of STH, but will be developed in the above areas through dissertations and articles, symposia and conferences. Due to its acquired expertise, the Institute for Jewish Studies also offers the opportunity for research supervision.
Education & courses
The Institute for Jewish Studies also has the potential to develop a program in anti-Semitism studies, possibly in collaboration with some Israeli or American university, including for example as an MA in anti-Semitism studies.
Suggested courses could be:
- Israel in Ancient and Modern History (Swails & co)
- The Jewish Backgorund to the New Testament (Young & Lennartsson)
- Roots of theological anti-Semitism (Gerdmar)
- Israelology (Gerdmar & co)
- Zionism – A Historical Survey (Aronson & co)
- Israel and Islam (Havel and Swails)
- The Hebrew Bible in Jewish and Christian Interpretation (Faro)
- The relationship between evangelical Christianity and Israel, messianic Judaism: Sørensen, Persin
- The Paths to the Holocaust (Gerdmar, Susanna Kokkonen (not yet answered to the invitation)
- And more.