september, 2023


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Anti-Semitism: Online webinar in Memory of professor Anders Gerdmar

An important part of professor Anders Gerdmar´s  (1954-2023) academic work was his scholarly work against anti-Semitism and the work for the Jewish people. In memory of professor Gerdmar this webinar will give lectures and talks by six internationally renowned scholars from Europe and the US.

Welcome to participate in this webinar on Zoom. You find the registration link to the webinar here.


15:45 Introduction
16:00 Boris Havel: Early Islamic history and muslim interaction with the Jews.
16:30 Ingrid Faro: Misunderstanding the Old Testament: Is God of the OT and NT the same?
16.55 Naida-Michal Brandl: Jews in immediate postwar Croatia (Yugoslavia)
17:20 Discussion: Ingrid Faro and Naida-Michal Brandl
18:00 Break
19:00 Göran Lennartsson: Types of Replacement Theology: Two exegetes on structural supersessionism
19:25 Gerald McDermott: How I changed my mind on Israel
19:50 Brad Young: Jews in the Gospel of John, and Replacement Theology
20.15 Discussion: Göran Lennartsson, Gerald McDermott and Brad Young
21:00 End

Lectures by:

Gerald McDermott, Distinguished professor, Jerusalem Seminary and Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Philadelphia
Brad H. Young, Emeritus professor, Oral Roberts University
Ingrid Faro, Visiting professor, Northern Seminary, Lisle, IL
Naida-Michal Brandl, Associate professor, University of Zagreb
Boris Havel, Associate professor, University of Zagreb
Göran Lennartsson, Doctor, Scandinavian School of Theology








(Torsdag) 15:45 - 21:00